Toddler Room

2 Year Olds

A child’s journey at our nursery begins in the toddler room. We facilitate activities to promote children’s independence. We have stimulating areas within the room to support a range of skills including Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language skills which is very important for our Toddlers. Additionally, to further support our toddlers, they join in with Looking and Listening activities which helps with the development of language, turn taking and attention skills.
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Preschool Room

3-4 Year Olds

The learning journey continues in the preschool room. We further promote independence as well as additional skills such as mathematical and literacy skills to get our children ready for school. 

We facilitate fun activities around children’s interest as well as their next steps to supporting their learning and development.  

In our preschool room children join in with Letters and Sounds activities to further develop their awareness of alliteration, rhythm & rhyme and begin to explore with the sounds of their name and the alphabet.
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